
This Program is an internal program through the BGC South East to assist families with fees for After School Programs, March Break, Summer and Winter Camp Programs and P.A. Day Programs.

Who is eligible?
A: To be eligible for this Program, your child(ren) must be registered with a BGC South East Program. The financial needs assessment tool is a guideline where the Boys and Girls Club will be look at each family on a case by case basis in the event there are extenuating circumstances surrounding their situation. Assistance is based on household income and the number of children being registered per family. Please note, that this subsidy does not apply to school break camps delivered by our partner agencies.

How do I apply?
A: Parents/guardians can complete a BGC subsidy form and return it to the front desk administrator with required proof of income.

Parent/guardians are required to provide at least one of the following:

  • Previous years T4.
  • 3 consecutive pay stubs.
  • Notice of assessment, (NOA).
  • Federal benefit receipts, (EI/ODSP etc.).

Is there a deadline for applications?
A: No, applications can be submitted at any point throughout the year, however for Camp Programs, subsidy applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start date of the registered week of Camp. For After School applications, subsidized fee’s will be in effect the week following approval for West End Hub and Satellite Site locations and the beginning of the next month for the Robert Meek Community Youth Centre location.

Can I access multiple sources of fee assistance?
A: Yes, you can apply for multiple sources of funding for your child. (Jumpstart, BGC Club and the City of Kingston etc.).

How long does this approval process take?
A: The approval process can take 3 to 5 business days for submission and approval.

How will I know that I am approved for BGC Club Subsidy?
A: You will be contacted days after submitting the application to confirm your approval.

How often do I have to apply for the BGC Club Childcare Fee Assistance Program?
A: You will be required to re-apply for the childcare fee assistance in the fall, (August/September) for After School Programs and in the spring, (April/May/June) for Summer Camp Programs.

More Question's? Contact's Below!

West End - 1300 Bath Rd.
(613) 507-3306 ext. 109

Central Hub - 559 Bagot St.
613-507-3306 ext 602

Rideau Heights Community Centre - 85 Maccauley St.
(613) 561-3777

St. Francis Assisi Catholic School
(613) 453-0463

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