
"The Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area officially opened in 1993 in partnership with the Rotary Club of Kingston. As the Rotarian who was invited by President Doug Forbes to play the lead role in transition, it is exciting after 20 years of rapid growth to know that over 2,000 children and youth were served in 2013. It’s incredible to recall the humble beginnings when the major concerns were meeting the monthly payroll and finding a suitable location to organize programs."


In 2021 all Boys and Girls Clubs across Canada had a name change.

Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area is now BGC South East 

Why? A new name and brand that captures the diversity and breadth of our work: in the populations we serve, in our staff and in our partners.

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The Rotary Club of Kingston has a long history with the Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area. In fact, the Rotary Club initiated the centre in 1992. Since then, their members have contributed in countless ways including sitting on the Board of Directors, fundraising and volunteering.

Honorary Rotarian, Reg Shadbolt, compiled a thorough history of our club's involvement in a beautiful booklet entitled: The Boys and Girls Club - The First 10 Years. (download here)

Charitable Number 14052 6369 RR0001

Boys And Girls Club Of Kingston Supporters 2018

Copyright © 2024 BGC South East